Optimism is an unlikely cousin to Fear. Nonetheless, just like that red headed cousin in a family of dark haired relatives, they are family. Fear and optimism are cousins indeed.

In each case, faith is present. When we fear anything, we envision the likelihood of that gloom-ridden and pessimistic set of consequences arriving much like the dreaded mother-in-law with cousin in tow.

Optimism is that sunny cousin that shows up in the same way as fear does. The difference is that it shows up cheerful with the most effulgent smile on its face. Like it’s cousin, Fear, it envisions something as well. However, in this case, Optimism is seeing the likelihood of consequences that we really would like to have happen. These consequences stimulate that “feel-good” feeling with endorphin rush to boot.

Ultimately, we are more accomplished at practicing fear perhaps because of what is widely regarded as the fight or flight mechanism built into our survival-based, primitive minds.

Which do you tend towards? How do you bring more optimism into your life?

Visualize What You Want
Maybe the key word written above is the word, “envision.” Former Apple CEO, John Sculley once said:

The future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious.

Learn to SEE that which you want before it becomes reality.

Embrace the Work
I have long found that once I actually start working, my attitude improves. So does my confidence. And frankly, so does my ability to do what I just mentioned. We see the future more clearly as we move towards our destination. It’s just like going on vacation and we finally get close to our destination, everything becomes more clear.

So, embrace the work.

Speak Positive Words
How do you speak about the future? Do you say things like, “I’m afraid…” or, “I don’t know how ….” or, “It’s not going the way I would like…”

Or do we say things like, “I’m excited about this….” Or “I can’t wait to see the end result….” or, “I can see the finish line…”

How we speak matters. When you speak, do you catch what the tone of what you are saying? Optimism shows up when we use optimistic words. Likewise, when we use negative words, fear shows up.

Life moves forward whether we choose to have faith in the dire consequences of not reaching our goals or we see a bright & beautiful future. Which would you rather have? If negativity and pessimism rule your days, why not change it up? If you need help, reach out for me, your Optimism Coach. Sometimes you just need a little help inviting the right cousin in.