Usually when we think of creating we think of building or making something.  The paradigm is always of making things but there are so many ways to create – and sometimes we create by subtracting things.

What can you subtract to create in your life?

Think about how you can be creating by subtracting:

If I clean out my closet and give unused clothing to Goodwill, I’m creating order.

If I say no to an event, I’m creating time for the things that are priorities in my life.

When I delete my Facebook app from my phone, I’m creating more focus.

When I remove myself from an argument/discussion, I create a chance for calm.

When I shut off the television and the phone early, I create more time for sleep.

What is it that you are tolerating in your life that blocks your ability to create by subtraction?  What more could you create with more order, more focus, more time, more chance for calm? 

Creating is not always about MAKING STUFF.  Sometimes we create by SUBTRACTING.